This shows where federal money spent stops and provincial money is spent starts
What a difference a web page makes
Today August 11th 2023 the county were out making a band aid repair to our non existent soft shoulder. It's a start so a big thank you to the workers today.
My question is, how many band aid repairs equals the cost to do it correctly?.
Messages from residents along the Cabot Trail
Adam Shore (July 20th 2023)
I filed ticket #S1370100 with Public Works
on June 28 citing numerous violations of E Type road specifications. The ticket
was CCd to Steve MacDonald and guess what - completely ignored. The province
should be ashamed of itself and based on numerous remediation efforts and
projects which have cost tax payers millions over the years have been delivered
below par and not to any reasonable specification. There should be a major law
suit against the department of public works as serious dollars are being spent on
sub par fixes because nobody approving the work actually knows better. The
letter I sent is below. Only Councillor Longva has responded. It's been emailed
directly to the MLA, Steve MacDonald and the councillor.
Dear Councilor Longva,
MLA Keith Bain and Steve MacDonald (Area Manager for Nova Scotia Public Works),
Councilor Longva, thank you for including me on this email thread. As a
resident and business owner in the area, I am quite concerned about the level
of quality, sustainability and perhaps most importantly: safety in reference to
remediation work recently performed along the Cabot Trail South of Smokey. The
most recent work involved remediation to the gravel road shoulder. Remediation
was done using a black/grey aggregate which is very high in asphalt chunks
(some over 2") and was not graded or compacted. Much of it has ended up
spread on the asphalt road/shoulder as well, and It has created an incredible
safety issue for motorcyclists, bicyclists and even cars/trucks. Since the
initial installation included not sweeping the poorly placed aggregate off of
the asphalt road bed - much of it in many is gravitating onto the road itself.
In some places around turns. Besides braking and regular safety issues, this is
also creating situations where vehicles are being damaged by flying stones and
debris. Almost everywhere this new aggregate is installed - where the aggregate
meets the ditch, the installation has created what is essentially a berm to
keep the water from going into the ditch without taking materials with it.
Another situation which will end up taking more resources to yet again re-do
the same work. None of this work is in compliance with the Nova Scotia Design
Guide for Highways and Roads. At this time as a citizen I am looking to better
understand the quality control, and installation decision process happening -
especially when it comes to the condition of the world famous Cabot Trail. Is
this work being performed by private contractors, or public works? If it's
private contractors I am asking to see the RFP awarded for the work recently
awarded for this work South of Smokey. If it is being done by public works, I
am asking to be part of the conversation and understanding of how we can use
the same resources to realize quality / sustainable solutions. How does the
process work, and who signs off on the completed work? This section of road
being E class, we have a very dramatic discrepancy between the design standard
for this class of road shoulder. Some cases the literal use of 0.0-0.2 is definitely
pushing the limits of design and safety. Those numbers are designed for AADT
(Average Annual Daily Traffic) > 5000 where I know peak tourism season is
more like 8000-12000 and growing (based on Cape Smokey measured data) and we
are entertaining and advertising the Cabot Trail as a world-class road cycling
destination. In most places I would very seriously question the usable shoulder
width. If it's there, it's likely 40-90cm deep in weeds and alders blocking any
driver from being able to safely discern where the safe edge of the shoulder
is. I would be surprised if much of the area we are discussing has 2m usable
shoulder and with the newly installed berm, the shoulder rounding is
non-existent along with effective drainage. Grading and compaction of the road
shoulder will help return the road to close(r) to specification, and help to
insure a much safer tourism season here along the world famous Cabot Trail. I
am asking that this poor installation please be remediated by properly grading
and compacting the newly placed aggregate. Should we encounter another rain
event of any substance, it is inevitable that these repaired areas will erode
even more than they were originally. As a final point in discussion, I am
questioning the use of this particular aggregate as it is largely recycled
asphalt chunks. When not compacted, this highly chemical based aggregate loaded
with chemicals is now rolling freely through folks' water systems etc. It's bad
enough if we have to accept this as our aggregate of choice when there are
multiple quarries right here with the right materials. Furthermore if there is
opportunity to be part of any on-site visit or subsequent conversation, I am
asking to be included in anything I am as a citizen privy to being part of.
Thank you sincerely for your attention to this matter, and hopefully continued
Wendy MacLeod (July 20th 2023)
was looking at the 5 year highway construction plan and we here in Northern
Cape Breton have been taken off it AGAIN. This is the 4th, 5th time now? I’ve
honestly lost track. We were originally on it to have the section of the
“World Famous Cabot Trail” here in Victoria County from Effie’s Brook in
South Harbour to the bottom of the North Mountain in Big Intervale repaved
but then the big guys said NO and then it was posted in the 5 year
construction plan online that it would be repaved from Effie’s Brook to the
intersection at the top of the Cape North hill with work starting this
Spring. Well guess what? It’s not in the construction plan now. This is not
acceptable. The roads here are beyond terrible and with all of the heavy
tourist traffic every year the roads keep getting worse. There are so many
ruts, holes, dips and sections with no pavement at all. Locals are having
their vehicles damaged daily but have no choice but to drive on the roads. I
have had tourists say to me that if they had known what the roads were like
here they would have rented a vehicle and not driven their own. It’s very
dangerous for people on motorcycles and bicycles and it also really slows
down the response time of our emergency vehicles. We have to start making
noise if we want anything to get done. We deserve to have safe, reliable
Beth (July 20th 2023)
I’ve been driving in that highway for over 40
years. From the top of Smokey to the head of Ingonish harbour is not only
deplorable but downright dangerous!
George (July 20th 2023)
I busted a brand new tire and rims in a
bad pothole on cape north hill ,,when I filled out a claim form they denied it
because they was no reports of road problems in our area
Harvey ( July 20th 2023)
The highway budget is for the mainland of NS ,
not for Cape Breton. When they last paved from the North mountain to Cheticamp
paid by Parks Canada they wreak the roads in the Cheticamp area. The federal
government should be responsible to repair their damage. I believe tourism NS
forgot how important this beautiful part of Canada is. At the federal level they
lost contact with our voter when it comes to tourism.
Anon (July 21st 2023)
: There is a 10 kilometer stretch around the
Lake o law area that is atrocious. 5 years ago I broke 2 springs on my trailer
which cost me 800.00 to fix.Unfortunately after 5 years sadly it's the same as
it was back then.I find it hard to believe that a world famous stretch of road
is left in this deplorable condition especially when businesses on the Cabot
Trail are depending on tourism for their existence.
Trish (September 9th 2023)
We just drove the Cabot Trail and it is awful
how the government refuses not to fix these potholes; considering tax payers
money goes to Halifax . Common sense is plenty of people come to travel through
the Cabot trail and bring money into Cape Breton; so it logical to fix the
Cabot Trail to bring in more visitors to help with the economy!
We promote the Cabot trail as a safe haven for motorbikes
These images were sent to me from Wreck Cove store area, this motor bike received serious damage to it's wheel rim from the many potholes along this stretch of road
September 23rd 2023 (Unknown rider)
South Ridge to Effies Brook
Wendy sent this video of her drive from South Ridge Road to Effies Brook, please note the smooth ride as the shocks effortlessly take every pothole in it's stride (July 22nd 2023)
The ride down Smokey
This video is from the top of Smokey to the head of the
harbour but I stopped the video because it got so rough I was too scared to
Worst I’ve ever seen it.
Downright dangerous.
Beth (July 20th 2023)
Cabot Trail Maintenance
This is what happens to our infrastructure when we get little to no maintenance, the culvert under the trail is totally blocked with years of soft shoulder debris washing into the culvert. When asked to clear the culvert the county refused, as deemed too expensive and would be corrected when the road is repaved, this paving project has been taken off the books for the past 5 years now.
Since moving into our property 6 years ago we had to spend many thousands of dollars in drainage remediation, if the county had maintained this culvert none of this extra expense would have been necessary. (Peter S. August 4th 2023)
Cabot Trail widening work (2024)
These past few months we have had contractors widening the Cabot Trail from Effies brook to Morrisons restaurant, they say they know what they are doing,many locals have expressed their opinion, indicating that culverts under roads are required, that the culverts aren't designed for the amount of water we have down the hill. Well guess what, we had a storm this weekend and mother nature has told us how these culverts should have been designed, driveways were washed out , roads were impassable, and that culvert locals said was needed, really was as the entrance to that road was washed out, and all the excavated product from the widening project was dumped at the bottom of the hill, locals again expressed their views that this would cause flooding, well the locals were right, we had major flooding.
Before the storm
After the storm
Before the storm
After the storm
Finally They listen to the locals
Image below shows 20 or more years of zero maintenance, and the other image after they cleaned the culvert out and redirected the flow of the water to an area that will cause absolutely no damage. Thank you
The Cabot Trail
The Cabot Trail is
supposed to be the jewel in Cape Breton's crown, then why do
descriptions like this seem to resonate so strongly with the residents
around the trail.
" The Cabot Trail is a series of holes held together by strings of asphalt"
We as residents and business owners are getting sick and
tired of idle promises, so maybe this page will set the ball rolling and
our elected officials will get off their arse and do something about
it, as it is clearly affecting business around the trail.
Potholes are the bane of motorists life, the Cabot Trail is
no different in it's needs than any other road, but when the province
touts the road as the jewel in their crown, some of the most beautiful
scenery in the world, for the motorist and cyclists it is not only
dangerous but also costly with wheel alignments, flat tires and
suspensions going to their grave at an early life.
Our guest are continually commenting on how great the
scenery is but a shame the authorities don't pay more attention to the
Cabot Trail's up keep, at the rate they cold patch the trail I do
believe they can say the trail has been refinished in cold patching.
We (Nova Scotia government) have just spent $6.4 Million
dollars of our money on the sea wall trail, hoping that visitors can get
to their destination at Meat Cove without losing a wheel or further
damage to their vehicle, so it's not only the Cabot Trail
that is suffering from mismanagement but all rural routes, so if the
government is keen to get the tourism dollars, please spend money
appropriately in areas that are in desperate need of financing.
Soft Shoulders
This is a misnomer as it should be called "No Shoulder", all it takes
is a big rain fall and the shoulder disappears into the culvert, this
makes walking extremely dangerous for the pedestrian and the motorists
alike, the shoulder then stays like this for years and gets
progressively worse as rain falls occur, thus causing driveways to
deteriorate at the cost of the home/business owner.
Purpose of this page
The main purpose of this page is to show the provincial government that we care about our region, our work and our lifestyle.
Highlighting the Cabot Trail road conditions is done on purpose as
this is the main tourism draw to Cape Breton, so if the only way we can
get action is by shaming them , then so be it.
So send me your photo's of the trail and I will post them to this site and hopefully the powers to be are watching. Please add where the photo was taken on the trail SendHere